Natasha & Charles ~ Wild Horse Inn Wedding

Natasha & Charles are married! Their intimate wedding ceremony at the Wild Horse Inn was simple and sweet, focusing on the blending of families. It was such a delight getting to know these two..  they are warm and open, they laugh easily, and they clearly adore each other. The day couldn’t have been more perfect, and it was an honor …

Natasha & Charles ~ Wild Horse Inn Wedding

I’ve got quite a backlog of all sorts of fabulous that’s I’m dying to share – starting with this sneak peek from Natasha & Charles’ recent intimate Colorado mountain wedding at the Wild Horse Inn. So stunning. And such an incredible honor to be a part of it. For today, just a sweet glimpse ♥ Congratulations, Natasha & Charles!

Wild Horse Inn Wedding ~ Brittney & Tom

It’s a story as old as time..  a classic boy meets girl (at a zoo) Boy loves frogs; girl loves flamingos. Boy falls in love with girl, and girl falls in love with boy. But boy still loves frogs too.  (and girl still swoons over flamingos :) Brittney and Tom both work at the Denver Zoo, and are specialists in …